No one shines brighter on this earth than our own
President Gordon B. Hinckley!
By Scot Facer Proctor

President Hinckley always uses his cane, just not
much for walking. Accra, Ghana.
See what I mean. He was told to carry a cane and
that's what he does - he carries it. Elder Russell
M. Nelson is at far right. Accra, Ghana.

Not all of us have such a fancy pointing stick as
President Hinckley.
Kirtland Temple.

We marveled at the contrast of Joseph Smith's
visit to the White House to meet with President
Van Buren and President Hinckley's visit to the
White House to receive the Presidential Medal of
Freedom, the highest honor given a United States
The White House, Washington, D.C.

President Hinckley said, "Sister Hinckley would
have loved this event."
The White House, Washington, D.C.

You just can't help breaking into a smile when you are around Gordon B. Hinckley.
Kirtland Temple .
President Hinckley is patient with all the photo-
graphers who are constantly taking his picture.
He did say to us one time, in a quiet tone , that "if all the cameras in the world were thrown into the
ocean, there would be a great flood."
Kirtland Temple.
Who can resist President Gordon B. Hinckley's
Kirtland Temple

President and Sister Hinckley were just the trade-mark of happiness in Ghana. No one could keep their eyes off of them. Their warmth was infectious. Their kind waves of the hand always made everyone feel loved.
Accra , Ghana
These two are love birds, no less.
Kirtland, Ohio.
I'll never forget when President Hinckley invited his precious wife to the stand in Moscow and introduced her to the 2,000 present as his "Babushka.'' It brought the house down - they loved it.
Moscow, Russia.
When we first published it, one woman wrote to us and said, "If people don't believe Mormons are
Christians, just have them look at this picture of
Sister Marjorie Hinckley." I so agree.
Nauvoo , Illinois.
How blessed we are to live during the administration and ministry of President Gordon B. Hinckley.
Nauvoo , Illinois.

I would just like to add my testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel and all the ways that it blesses our lives. I cannot imagine living without the joy and happiness that I get when listen to the Lord and His appointed servants. I thank my Father in Heaven for allowing me to live during the lifetime of such a great man as President Hinckley. I will miss him dearly.